Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Rewards of Quilting

One of the things I love about quilting is the sense of accomplishment you can experience when you're all finished. You spend time, resources, energy, frustration; and on the list goes - but when you're done, you can look at the finished product and say it was all worth it. Not only was it worth it, but your exited for your next project. And the reward of accomplishment can go beyond the finished product into further wonder.

Since I was a kid I have loved quilting (I will share one of my first experiences with my mom in another future post - so look forward to that). I have made many quilts for family members, but I had never entered any contest. In 2007 I decided I would try something new to see how I would do.

I found a contest listed in a quilt magazine and began the process of my first quilt contest. I was anxious, nervous, exited but I put in a lot of work and found someone to do the quilting for my quilt (this was the first time I had this done, because I usually had tied my quilts with yarn) thankfully it was a fun and a learning process.

I sent my quilt in and nervously waited to see what would happen. So many thoughts were going through my mind about possible disappointment and uncertainty. When my response came I found out that my quilt had been selected to be one of the quilts displayed in the State Capitol building – WOW. I have had many exiting things happen in my life; Marriage, childbirth, etc. And I would say that the sense of accomplishment I received in this response would rank in that same list.


Plain Ol' Vanilla said...

Wow, that'a a fabulous honor! Well done!

Alison said...

Wow! Congratulations!

Thanks again for the beautiful quilted blanket you made for Jack. :-)

Elisha said...

I didn't know that Glenda!! That's SO awesome! Congrats!!!