Have you ever looked at all the cutest baby contests and thought there should also be a cutest pregnant mom contest? Well here it is. In honor of mothers day coming up; I will be hosting a cutest pregnant mom pic contest. You can be pregnant now, or already have had your beautiful baby.
The way it will work is that from now until mothers day you can email me (valdez0803@aol.com) a picture of you as a soon to be mommy (or when you were). At the end of every day I will post the pics I receive - they will be in the "me and my tummy" category of this blog (so everyone can see you and you can see everyone else).
At the conclusion of this contest (midnight on Mother's day) no more pictures will be posted. As I post the pictures I will number them, and the day after Mother's day; I will post the question "what is your vote?" And you my readers can choose the winner - in the comments of my what's your vote post; simply indicate who you think is the cutest by the number of the pic (aside from yourself). And the pic with the most votes will win. If there is a tie; I will have my son (6 yrs old) draw a winner from a hat (of the entries that tied).
What do you win? You can choose either a free reversible baby dress, or 50% off a baby quilt from my etsy store.
Feel free to enter if your baby is too old for the dress or quilt; or even if you have a boy - the dress or quilt can make a great gift for a loved one.
I look forward to seeing all the entries - tell your friends and family, so they have a chance to win also :)
Your picture can be anywhere from professional...

..to taken by a cell phone

cute contest! wish i had a pregnant belly to submit! ;)
found you on etsy forums, i hope you'll come visit me too!
I spread the word on my facebook for you. This is Briannabeansboutique by the way lol.
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