Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Big 7

That's right, our oldest son Mason turned 7 on August 7th; and he just started 2nd grade. I can still remember when he was so small, such a cute chubby face, with such a big smile.

And lucky him,
he had two birthday celebrations this year.
-One with just family.We did things like make cookies for breakfast, swim at the gym, eat cupcakes with fries for dinner (his choice).
We really enjoyed it and his grandma B drop bye to say "Happy Birthday". It was a great day.

-And the other one was with all his friends at the park and then to the pool. He is at the age where it is more important for his friends to have a good time than himself (and if its not an age thing, its at least a compassion thing; maybe I even have a little bit to do with that in raising him:). Mason even let his friends get cake before himself. It is such a wonderful thing to see his caring and loving side come out. And all the kids that came were just as caring and loving in the cards they gave him - all put "love you Mason". It makes my heart melt.
What about yours, are you melting yet?

And just for fun Mason "Swimming" and sorry for all the screaming in the background, it is Noah and Eliana wanting a picture taken of them.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blue Skys

Well I just finished a quilt for my mother in-law's best friend. She is leaving to start deputation with her husband and family (they will be missionaries in Germany). So my mother-in-law wanted to give her a very special gift that she could remember her as they travel to all the different churches seeking support. Is so happened that she thought one of my quilts would be perfect. I was happy and honored to help out (plus I got free range to do whatever I wanted). The only request was that it have blue in it.

I had a month to work on it, but with it being summer, I didn't start it until a week before she needed it. With getting all the school stuff out, planing a birthday party for our son, and daily life - it took the whole week.

So here it is - it came out beautiful don't you think?

The Front

The Back

Up Close

Keep in prayer the people of Germany, that they would come to know Jesus, that they would live for him, and that God would use faithful servants to proclaim His truth.